Sign up for the first XS Speeder Contest in Dual Universe Beta! We’re looking for the best “planetary commuter” design, a ship to do quick business around Alioth! Every ship is going to get rated and tested by 3 experienced judges in 3 main categories: looks, speed and handling.
Due to certain restrictions, we’re limiting the contest to 100 participants! Be quick and sign up by following the instructions on the contest Discord server. Please finish (or be very close to finishing) your design before submitting the application.
Grand Prize
- 5,000,000 quanta (minimum!)
- exclusive interview & detailed ship show-off
Bonus: All top 10 designs will be featured in the final video, which will be coming out by October 20th.
Ship requirements & rules
- XS Core
- Atmospheric engines only
- 1x XS Container is required, however test flights will be done without any cargo
- Tuned for flying on Alioth
- All ship part skills will be reset to 0 using VR fondling by the judges, after you’ve parked them at the designated spot
The goal is to make the fastest and best looking commuter for daily business on Alioth.

Signup process
- Join the contest Discord server & fill out the application in #du-speeder-signup
- You’ll be asked to post a screenshot of your craft. Please make sure your craft is finished (or missing final touches) before signing up, otherwise your application will be rejected.
- Once you’re accepted you’ll have to park your speeder on designated location on Alioth by October 14th at 12:00 UTC
- Additionally, you’ll need to give basic rights to the judges, so they can test the craft and reset skill bonuses. More infos on Discord
- Make sure to blueprint the craft before sending it for review!
Top 10 contestants will be announced and featured in the final video coming out by October 20th. The builds will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale in 3 different categories: looks, speed and handling.
If you’d like to sponsor the event, we’re taking donations for the total prizepool! If we breach 10M, we’ll expand the prize distribution to top 3. Feel free to reach out via DM on Discord.
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