Offering consulting services for clients interested in private sessions in the following fields:
- Introduction to streaming (field-specific expectations & goals, equipment planning, required skillsets, longevity)
- IRL stream setup tech consulting (concept explanation / working out your use cases / equipment settings & setup)
- Stream equipment tech consulting (camera setup / best practices / studio concepts / capture cards / lighting)
- Equipment Purchase planning (getting the most out of your budget)
- OBS settings & plugins (best practices, scene setups, advanced sources)
- Software audio mixing (multi-pc setups, getting best microphone sound, VST plugin setup, Voicemeeter setup)
- Game Coaching (game of choice – replay analysis, duo gameplay, general gaming advice, strategy)
- QA Testing for games in development (pre-alpha, alpha, beta, etc.)
Reach out via email or Discord (sprEEEzy#7258) to book a session!
If booking tech-related consulting, please provide as much info as possible about your use case and goals in your intro (prior to the session).
Hourly rate:
Tech consulting – 90 EUR / hour.
Game coaching – 45 EUR / hour.
Minimum booking: 1 hour.
Delivery: within 7 days
Usual daily availability: 08:00 – 11:00, 19:00 – 22:00, Central European (CET / CEST).