Age of Empires 4 – 60 Reasons why you Shouldn’t Buy
Age of Empires 4 was supposed to be the big return of RTS to main stream, but it's far from that. Here's why.
GoPro – ULTIMATE Settings Guide for STREAMING & What Accessories to Buy (Hero 7, 8 & 9)
GoPro Hero 7, 8 & 9 best settings for live streaming. Also, find out what accessories go well with your GoPro!
sprEEEzy’s IRL Stream Backpack v1 (Updated: Oct 2022)
The best bang for the buck IRL Live Streaming Backpack Equipment List.
NETGEAR Nighthawk M1 – Is it good for IRL Streaming in 2021?
We tested the NETGEAR Nighthawk M1 4G Mobile Router in various IRL Live Stream scenarios. What are the speeds, and well does it maintain a solid connection?
Twitch adding New Regional Subscription Pricing – $1 Subs in Turkey
Twitch is admitting the equivalent subscription models of it's main competitors, YouTube & Facebook, are just better. New regional subscription pricing one of the biggest changes is Twitch' monetization history, and it's going to roll out gradually during Q2/Q3 of 2021. The current price model is aimed at around $4.99 for a tier 1 subscription. However, some countries like Canada, Australia and even New Zealand, pay upwards of $7.50 for the same exact tier 1 subscription. This is likely due to regulations, as well as certain local sales taxes that might apply. Details behind the decision Twitch in it's…